MAAQ General Meetings
Are you aware of the MAAQ General Meetings? The MAAQ General Meetings are held quarterly and invitations are sent out to all Presidents and Secretary's to attend (Club executives) about 14 days prior to the meeting.
What are they for?
The purpose of the meeting is to allow all members, via their club executives, to suggest ideas and raise issues to be tabled and voted on by those in attendance, the resolution of these issues and ideas assist the development of our sport in Queensland.
How do I raise a topic or suggestion?
One month prior to the meeting the MAAQ secretary contacts your club executive and asks them to reach out to their members to identify topics and ideas to be tabled at the meeting for discussion and voting. Your club Secretary is to then notify the MAAQ Secretary with who from their club will be attending, the topic they wish to discuss and their preferred outcome. Then at 14 days prior to the meeting (once all responses are in) the MAAQ Secretary will email all club executives with the Agenda of the meeting (including all topics and ideas raised) as well as meeting attendance information.
Members in attendance will get to hear the topic proposed by the club and those present will be able to vote on the outcome of the topic.
When are the meetings held?
The MAAQ General meetings will be held on the following dates;
- 22nd November, 2022
- 21st February, 2023
- 16th May, 2023
- 22nd August, 2023
- 21st November, 2023
You can also find and keep on top of these dates on the MAAQ Website under the Events Calendar.
Any questions? Please reach out to me and I will do my best to ensure I get the right answer for you.
Rodney Clarke
MAAQ Secretary
0414 444 376