We have received two motions for consideration by MAAQ Members at the next MAAQ General Meeting:

Motion 1: Disaster Relief (Financial Support) to Clubs

  • Title: The MAAQ Executive provide financial support to Clubs to replace infrastructure in the time of natural disaster up to $10000
  • Raised by: John Box, President, Kingaroy Club (KAMS)
  • Points to consider:
    • Clubs require immediate support to rebuild or replace damaged infrastructure after a natural disaster.
    • Applying for grants is a long-drawn-out process taking several months and is not acceptable after natural disaster.
    • Funding budgeted for the grants program that is not allocated could be set aside in a special natural disaster account to be allocated by the MAAQ Executive Committee after receiving suitable notification
  • Example:
    • KAMS had their Club building ‘The KAMS Hilton’ that was constructed in 1988 blown away and destroyed in a severe violent storm.  
    • The building was used as a meeting place for members, catering and hosting 3 fun flys and 1 SCAF event each year, shelter in unfavourable weather conditions and storage of members and club equipment
    • The MAAQ Executive advised they could not provide any financial support apart from the Grants program.
    • The building was not insured as the MAAA insurance policy offered required $10,000 excess. KAMS holds an insurance policy for theft and loss of the KAMS motor mowers and equipment.
    • A replacement 6 x 6m carport would cost approximated $6k with club members carrying out the construction

Motion 2: MAAQ / MAAA Promotional Signage Support

  • Title: The MAAQ Executive support clubs to upgrade their field signs to promote MAAA and MAAQ by including their insignias on the club field signs to a value of up to $100
  • Raised by: John Box, President, Kingaroy Club (KAMS)
  • Points to Consider:
    • To ensure the MAAA and MAAQ brands are more recognised in the community
  • Example: (right)
Example of integrating MAAQ and MAAA logo onto club signage
Example of integrating MAAQ and MAAA logo onto club signage